Halloween, a season unto itself, garners one heck of a build-up. It encompasses decorations, candy, costumes, food–wait, food? Yessss…now we’re talking! It’s no secret that I’m a fan of anything food-related. Creative food, good-tasting food, fun food, unique food. So, of course, I’d jump into Halloween with one goal in mind – to test out some fun, kid-friendly (or kid-at-heart friendly) ideas!


Food, whether fancy and fun or straight forward is effort. Is it worth it? Well, duh! Food isn’t just eaten so that we can stay alive; it can bring enjoyment, create memories, brighten peoples moods, and even show that you care. In the case of Halloween, it’s plain old fun. Fun for the maker and the eater! There are tons of ideas out there that range in complication levels but the most practical rule for DIY holiday fun is ‘simple and cute’.


Mummy Hot Dogs – https://chaoscoordinatoroc.com/halloween-food-mummy-hot-dogs/

Follow the link to create delicious and fun mummy hot dog treats for your crew!

Fruit Cup Jack-O-Lanterns – https://chaoscoordinatoroc.com/halloween-jack-o-lantern-fruit-cups/

We found green jello with fruit cups at Stater Brothers Grocery Store, along with some mandarin orange cups. Grab a sharpie and draw until your halloween-ey heart is content!

Deviled Eggs and Spiders – https://chaoscoordinatoroc.com/halloween-spidery-deviled-eggs/

This one was a stretch for me. I hate spiders and these look just legit enough to send me into a grossed-out panic. But alas, for my crew, I figured it was worth it because they’d get a kick out of it. Follow the link to see exactly how we did it.

Jack-O-Lantern Punch – https://chaoscoordinatoroc.com/halloween-food-jack-o-lantern-soda-floats/

Where there’s food, there has to be drinks. Complete your collection of themed spookiness with Fanta orange soda floats, complete with jack-o-lantern faces!

Have a spookily fun Halloween!