What’s more delicious and comforting than a hot dog and Pillsbury crescent rolls? Hot dogs wrapped in crescent roll strips, made to look like mummies! This makes for a quick and easy lunch and includes the novelty of your Halloween food creativity.

What you’ll need:

  • 1 can of Pillsbury crescents (8 rolls) or Pillsbury crescent dough sheet
  • 1 pack of regular-sized hot dogs
  • Mustard and ketchup

Making the creation:

  • Roll out crescent rolls in a full sheet without separating triangles
  • Pinch and press seams together (as best as possible) to create solid dough.
  • Separate sheet into 4 rectangles (made by merging 2 crescent triangles, each).
  • Cut your ‘rectangles’, lengthwise, into multiple 1/8″ strips.
  • Wrap one strip at a time around a hot dog, starting at the bottom and working your way up. Join each new strip with the previous one by pinching them together as you go. Once you get toward the top, leave a gap for the mustard ‘eyeballs’ that will be added at the end.

Heating it to perfection:

  • Preheat oven to 375°
  • Line a non-stick baking sheet with mummy wrapped hot dogs, leaving space between each one to avoid dough from touching once it expands
  • Bake for 12-15 minutes, watching for preferred golden doneness.

Finishing touches:

  • Add tiny mustard eyes to the gap that you left at the top of each mummy. Don’t use ketchup because the red won’t show up against the pinkish hue of the hot dog.
  • Plate and serve with other fun foodie creations!

Want more food ideas? Our other Halloween fun foods are waiting for you: jack-o-lantern soda floats, Spidery deviled eggs, and funny face fruit cups.