Months ago, as I was preparing for the unknown, I thought I had covered all bases. We were stocked up on food to help prevent us from having to make too many trips to the store; we had a list of crafts and science experiments to fill time with, supplies of toilet paper/paper towels/hair shampoo all handled, disinfecting and sanitizing supplies were checked off the list, school/office materials had been accounted for. We were ready to at least attempt to survive this! Oh but wait–I didn’t think of was haircuts. OMG, the haircuts! Lily and I could go months without cuts even if our hair ended up at our knees but the guys? Well….er…eh…emmmm.

Let me introduce you to Chris and Evan.

This new look, called the….’what the heck happened to you?!’ style, is un-containable. Like, whooooa. Right?! What a pair! Not even baseball caps could handle this mess! The problem seemed simple enough to solve with a pair of men’s hair clippers. For the non-hair savvy, that’s the buzzer things. Small challenge, though. There were no men’s hair clippers available online. Yep, ALL sold out. I was quick to the gate on most of the essentials but this one was an obstacle. It seemed like everyone but me had thought about the hair clippers well in advance of needing them.

With a pinch of panic and a dash of brain wracking, a lightbulb went on. My friend has a husband with barbering as a specialty! I was willing to bet (ok, truthfully I was praying) that he’d have a resource/suggestion to where I could find the tool. I felt like I was asking for diamonds from some underground trade deal! Until this moment, I had not comprehended the importance of the item. It was staring at these two fluffy/shaggy/curly/overgrown hairballs living in my house that caused the realization!

And alas, success! We found a pair ::and the crowd goes wild::! Now to figure out how to use them. Dun dun dunnnn…..

500 video tutorials later, I held my breath and followed the instructions of complete strangers. I needed tips on how to not turn my child into a q-tip head or my husband into the next bailiff from Night Court (please tell me you’re old enough to remember that show). None of the videos explained how to cut the longer hair on top! Oh Em Gee! A hairstylist friend of mine came to the rescue. She asked if I had hair shears for the longer hair on top. Of course I did! Or so I thought. Turns out that they had been trashed because someone broke them. Who uses hair shears to do anything but cut hair? Everyone that lives here, apparently ::head smack::.

The remedy was to find the sharpest pair of scissors I had. Oh! I knew just the pair, of course! My fabric scissors! Sharp as the dickens and totally not meant for hair! But hey, beggars can’t be choosers. The only other option was crafting scissors but those can barely even cut paper. Hahah! Onward we went.

This is where you’re waiting for the crazy story, right? But I’ll be darned, I didn’t mess it up! Admittedly, I’ve never talked to myself so much in my entire life but it worked! I wish I could have seen my own facial expressions because they were probably pretty awesomely frightened! Even Chris thought his hair came out ok! Amen – hallelujah! Evan’s came out good, too. Chris did most of his, though.

If you’re going to cut hair, be sure to use potato chip clips, fabric shears, men’s hair clippers, trash bags as a hair catch-all, 501 clipper guards, a comb, a paint brush, a clipper brush, and a folding chair. Hahah. I swear they all had a purpose (still laughing).

I’d leave you with a picture of each of their hair styles but they don’t want to be plastered on the internet. So, instead, here’s a more creative version. Told you they came out a-ok!

Talk to you again soon with more stories from life’s best moments! Thanks for reading!