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Who’s up for a good burger? No one has to ask me twice! Grilled outside in the summer or made in the kitchen during springtime, this is how you do it. A perfect patty, toasted bun, cheese and a slice of juicy pineapple will send your taste buds into overdrive.

After a few years of making edible but mediocre patties, I thought that only restaurants had the magic to make the good stuff. As it turns out, that wasn’t quite true. I figured out a few good secrets to creating juicy and tasty patties and was a darn shame not to share the details with you!


I know how torturous it is to be in search of a recipe and end up having to scroll through 10 paragraphs of blog to get to it. In fairness, all the blah-blah-blah is because the author usually has tips for success or a story that accompanies the recipe. Sometimes the tips are useful so if you have time, read them. But let’s be real, most readers are like me — completely impatient. In the name of all those who have the attention span of a gnat, I’m sharing the recipe first and will add the blah-blah-blah after it. You’re welcome. But there really are some good tips after the recipe, including the secret to the perfectly toasted bun!

Teriyaki Burger with Pineapple

Recipe by Chaos Coordinator OCCourse: EntreeCuisine: American, HawaiianDifficulty: Moderate


Prep time


Cooking time



Teriyaki burgers with pineapple–it’s what’s for dinner! Put together a treat for hungry mouths with this easy but delicious recipe. Pair it with homemade fries, potato salad, or simply potato chips and a pickle!

Ingredients – Meat

  • 1 lb ground beef

  • 1/2 tbsp worscestershire sauce

  • 1 egg

  • 4 pineapple rings

  • Cheese slices of choice

  • Lettuce – shredded or leaf

  • salt

  • pepper

  • Hamburger buns

  • Mayonnaise

  • Teriyaki sauce


  • Prepare 1lb ground beef by placing it, raw, into a large mixing bowl. Be sure to use a large enough bowl to allow for mixing of the meat.
  • Add 1/2 tablespoon of worscestershire sauce to the meat, covering as much of the meat as possible (don’t pour it all in one spot. Crack one egg straight onto the meat. The egg is your bonding agent and is responsible for the juiciness of the cooked burger. If you don’t have an egg, bread crumbs will do, as well. Add a generous sprinkle of salt and pepper to taste.
  • Mix all ingredients using a fork or with your hands (we suggest using food-safe disposable gloves when mixing with your hands) until all ingredients are thoroughly combined.
  • Scoop out enough ground beef mixture to create a 1/2″ – 3/4″ thick patty. Place the meat directly into your palm (preferably while wearing food-safe gloves) and shape into a well-formed ball. Use the palm of your free hand to press the ball into a flattened patty. Keep in mind that ground beef with a percentage of fat will shrink a bit once cooked. Your patty does not need to be the precise circumference of the bun prior to cooking; make it a bit larger. If you have time, cover the patties lightly with a sheet of cling wrap or wax paper and place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, this will help to firm it back up before cooking, making it easier to handle. This is optional. Patties can be cooked immediately after preparation, if you choose.
  • Cook patties in a pan on medium heat for 4-6 minutes per side, depending on the doneness you prefer. Giving each side a good, hot char will help keep the center a bit pink and prevent over-cooking. Note: Medium heat will give you the char. Medium-low heat will eliminate the char and result in a more well-done patty. Also, depending on the fat content of your meat, you may want to scoop out some of the oil during cooking.
  • While the patties are cooking, spread a moderate layer of mayonnaise on the face of each piece of the burger bun. Heat a pan on medium and place buns face-side down. Lightly press the buns to the pan with a flat cooking tool (spatula or similar), being careful not to squish the buns. You will have a lightly toasted, gorgeous bun waiting for your finished patty.
  • Pair up your finished patties with a generous pour of teriyaki sauce, a pineapple ring (feel free to char these in the pan or on the grill, too), lettuce, and any other condiments that suit your fancy.


  • Gluten-free Teriyaki Sauce (that tastes good) is available from San-J brand.
  • Always use health safety precautions when handling raw meat. Wash hands often to avoid the spread of bacteria. Keep meat refrigerated until ready to use.


Egg. Not a fried egg that you add as a condiment – a raw egg mixed into the meat. Egg acts as a bonding agent and also keeps the beef patty from drying out (so long as you don’t cook it to kingdom come).

Worcestershire sauce. I love this stuff poured on my steaks, drizzled into my baked potato, sloshing around my broccoli – it’s just good. In my bowl of ground burger meat, however, is not somewhere I intended to use it. One day, I turned the bottle over and poured some into meat because…why not? Holy moly was it good! You can’t taste the specific flavor of the sauce in the meat but it adds a punch of well-rounded flavor that no other ingredient can.

The most common brand of worscestershire sauce Lea & Perrins but I stumbled upon a gluten-free version that had me jumping for joy! The GF version is Wan Ja Shan Worcestershire Sauce has a noticeably thinner consistency than the traditional brands but tastes identical. Why gf, you ask? I’m allergic to wheat so I have to dabble in the gf world. Gluten is found in wheat and while I do not have celiac disease, if an item is designated as gf, I know it’s a safer bet for me.

Teriyaki sauce. San-J brand makes some darn good gluten-free teriyaki sauce. My kids can’t even tell the difference between scratch-made teriyaki sauce and this one. Yes, you can make your own but just buy it; it’s faster. Hahah. What makes the average teriyaki sauce a gluten product? The soy sauce. Yep, soy sauce has wheat in it! IRRRRRK! When I first realized this, about 7 years ago, I did a double take. I was shocked. I have found this particular brand at places like Sprouts, Walmart (check the gf grocery section or the Asian sauce section), and Stater Brothers (sometimes). If you don’t need to go gf, use your favorite brand.


Buns. Simple, right? Oh but this is not just any bun; it’s the epic toasted bun. Yes….it’s done differently than you all think! The mystery of the perfectly toasted burger bun is…MAYONAISE! I know, right? You thought it was butter, didn’t you? NOPE! Butter leaves behind a distinct flavor that can distract from the intended flavors of your burger. Instead, using mayonnaise not only gives you the perfect golden-toast but it refrains from leaving behind the glaring, “hi, I’m here!” flavor. Spread an even, sparing layer of mayo across both bun faces. Place them face down on a pan on medium heat. Gently press down on the top of each bun using a spatula to ensure bun contact with the pan. Don’t squish the bun, though! Toast both sides up until golden and remove from heat. If you’d like to save the recipe card for this, here’s you go: https://chaoscoordinatoroc.com/the-secret-to-the-perfect-burger-bun/

The burger patties and buns can be prepared on a grill, too. It’s not always as sunny as So Cal in every part of the country, so using a stove and pan are a perfectly suitable way to win at the burger-making game.