Thanks for joining me and welcome to my brand new endeavor–blogging. I am so very excited that you’ve come to check it out and promise to entertain you with true stories, epic chaos, and snark to make even the most innocent reader laugh. I’m a working mom-wife-daughter-sister-aunty from good old Orange County, CA where the sun shines bright, the economy is thriving, everything costs too much, and everyone is too busy to read this blog that I’m writing. Just kidding! Keep reading–I need you!!!

The idea for a blog has been simmering in my head for years. Many have come before me and plenty will after. It didn’t stop me from having the dream but the problem was figuring out the topic and finding the time. Years passed and I seemed not to be getting any younger. My life was getting more hectic because I worked a lot and took care of my home & family about half that amount. The kids were babies…then toddlers…then in preschool..then…then…then. Who had time to think about a darn blog much less research how to set one up? And what would I talk about? I could barely figure out which way was up, so, finding a good topic of discussion was downright frightening! The idea was tabled. Pipe dreams are for pipes…or is it birds…eh, whatever they say. It just wasn’t in the cards for me. Here’s the thing though–when is there ever going to be time for anything you WANT to do when there’s so much that you think you HAVE to do? Hmm…ever stop to ponder that for a moment? No, of course not because you don’t have time and neither did I! Until recently when the routine I had come to justify as acceptable (working excessive hours and literally giving more effort to succeeding in my career than I was to my personal life) changed. That routine was suddenly uprooted (more on that another time) and my eyes were opened to the realization that those rusty pipes still housed dreams; in fact, they had safely insulated them from destructing for the better part of a decade. So, I dug them out for review–a careful, thoughtful review. And low and behold, the lights flickered on, the room became bright and this blog was born.

So, why the name “Chaos Coordinator”? Well, it won’t take long for you to learn that I’m all over the place, doing all sorts of things and there’s a level of hilarity in all of it. If I’m there, you’re guaranteed to find forehead smacking, ‘big-eye’ inducing, tell-it-like-it-is, respectful snark. Snark. Snark. Snark. I am the organizer of chaos and the jury’s still out on whether I do a good job but you can decide that in time. My hope is to bring you entertaining tales of life’s truest moments–the kind that will let you reflect on your own experiences and enjoy them a little more. Whether its because you realize that you’re not alone, or perhaps because you’re just thankful that you’re not me; if you’re here, then I’m doing my job! Come along with me on this adventure and we’ll see where it takes us, together! You can find me here on the blog and also on Facebook. Don’t ask about Instagram. That one will come, eventually. Ya know, uhm..when I figure out how to use it. 🙂


Orange County, CA — it’s really pretty, isn’t it?