There are burger buns and then there are the most amazing do-it-yourself versions that rival the fast food joints. The secret isn’t a toaster oven or an air fryer. It isn’t a grill. This only leaves butter as an option, right? Nope! Golden, toasty soft-top with an ever so toasty face is created with…MAYONNAISE. Irrrrkkkkk. Say what now? Uh huh. Making a good patty or having the best condiments are only as good as the bigger picture. Enter, THE BUN.


Yeah, no kidding. I was shocked at first, too. I mean, who thinks of cooking mayo on a bun? Warm mayo is kind of yucky, at best and isn’t even really a go-to condiment no matter what’s being eaten. Once you try this, though, the results will eliminate the scrunched-nose, crinkly eyebrow look you’re giving this blog post right now.

You may be asking, “how about butter?” Butter leaves behind a distinct flavor that can distract from the intended flavors of your burger. Using mayonnaise not only gives you the perfect golden-toast but it refrains from leaving behind the glaring, “hi, I’m here!” taste. Butter is good on grilled cheese bread, not burgers!


To create these epic buns, spread an even, sparing layer of mayo across both bun faces. Place them face down on a pan on medium heat. Gently press down on top of each bun using a spatula to ensure bun contact with the pan. Don’t squish them, though! Toast both sides until golden and remove from heat. Next, build my delicious Pineapple Teriyaki Burger recipe and eat until your belly is full!

The Secret To the Perfect Burger Bun

Recipe by Chaos Coordinator OCCourse: UncategorizedCuisine: American, HawaiianDifficulty: Easy
Prep time


Cooking time



The best toasty burger buns can be the finishing touch to your epic


  • Hamburger Buns

  • Mayonaise


  • Spread an even, sparing layer of mayo across both bun faces. Place them face down on a pan heated to medium. Gently press down on each bun using a spatula to ensure bun contact with the pan but don’t squish them. Toast both sides up until golden and remove from heat. You can also do this on a grill but it’s not summertime yet so here we are, in the kitchen toasting them up on a pan. Build your gorgeous burger and serve immediately.